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Delete a Record

Remove a record from your database.

Warning: Delete with care! This is a powerful tool and you should use it with extreme caution. Any data you delete from MinistryPlatform is complete gone. To recover delete data requires Professional Services and incurs a cost. As such, you should limit this feature to Users trained to use it wisely and correctly.
Note: Never delete records on the Contact or Participant pages. Instead, use the Combine Contacts Tool if there are duplicate records or the Inactivate Tool if they no longer attend your church.
CAUTION: If you delete a selection of records, the delete action completes per record. Canceling deletion of a selection of records stops the delete action at that record. No additional records delete, but all previous records are permanently deleted.
  1. Open the record.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. The affected records display. These records depend on the existence of the records you're deleting. Select the appropriate option based on what you want to do with the dependent records:
    • Reassign: Select a different record to associate the dependent records with.
    • Unassign: Keep the dependent records but remove the association to the records you're deleting.
    • Delete: Delete the dependent records.
    Note: To delete a record on a page that is Direct Delete Only, you must be on the page of that record.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click OK to confirm deletion.

The record and any outstanding Tasks associated with the record are deleted, and you return to the data grid.