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Attach a File

  • MinistryPlatform allows files up to 20MB in size and accepts most standard file formats, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GID, GIF, PDF, TXT, and CSV. We do not recommend you attach TIFF files. You can attach encrypted PDF files. You can attach fillable PDF files, but values don't display unless the User downloads the file.
  • Files are only available from the open record of the record they were originally attached to. For example, if you attach a file to a Contact record, only Users on the Contact record can view the file.
  • Anyone with Read rights to a Page can see any attachments added to records on that Page. We don't recommend attaching sensitive information or private files on main pages, like Contacts or Participants. Consider adding these files to a record that you can hide with Record Restrictions, such as Milestones or Form Responses.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Attach File(s).
  2. Click in the area that says Click to upload files.
  3. Browse to the file you want to attach, select it, and click Open.
  4. Give the attachment a description, if needed.
  5. Resize the attachment, if needed.
    Note: The Attach File dialog box remembers your preference and automatically applies it to the next file you attach until you clear your cache.
  6. Click the star icon to make it the default image for this record.
  7. Click Attach.
    Attach Files modal showing an image that was uploaded, given a description of "Photo from last directory update 2023", and resized to X-Large

If you attached a photo, it displays in the upper right corner of the record. If you attached a different file or an additional photo, they display in the Files panel.

Click the file to open it in the File Preview window. From here, you can print, download, or rotate your file.

If needed, you can edit your attachment.

Edit an Attached File

You can change the description of an attached file and edit the thumbnail for an attached image.

When you attach an image, it is automatically cropped to create a square thumbnail. If needed, you can adjust the thumbnail.
  1. Open the record with the attached file, and expand the Files section.
  2. Click the edit icon pencil.
  3. If needed, edit the description.
  4. If the file is an image, select Edit Thumbnail.
  5. Drag the selection box to better frame your image.
    Edit File modal showing options for editing the description and, if applicable, editing the image thumbnail
  6. Click Save.

Remove an Attached File

If you no longer need an attachment, you can remove it from the record.

  1. Open the record, and expand the Files panel on the right.
  2. Click the delete icon trashcan beside the file you want to delete.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.