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Record Facts

Record Facts are curated collections of key information pulled from the Platform to summarize and visualize what you want your users to see at a glance. Even better? Record Facts can contain information from more than one record. For example, the Contacts record facts can contain information from the Contact, Participant, and Group Participant records (and more!). And you can style Record Facts to give the information a visual representation that empowers your users to serve your people well!

You can find Record Facts in several places of the Platform:

  • List layout on any page
  • List layout on any tab/sub-page
  • At the top of any open record
  • At the top of any open tab/sub-page record
Note: Take your Record Facts to the next level and configure your phone and email addresses to be actionable. When configured, you can contact your people with a simple click of an email or phone Record Facts.

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Record Fact Possibilities

The Platform comes pre-loaded with a collection of Record Facts to help get you started. But because we love customization, you can edit existing record facts and create new ones! Consider some of the following possibilities.

A Lead Pastor will appreciate getting a quick snapshot of his flock by looking at a list showing Contact Status, Household Position, Campus, Engagement Level, and Membership Status.

Record Facts that show your Small Group or volunteer management teams how people are involved through Membership Status, length of participation, Small Group involvement, and service group involvement helps them manage people involved in their ministries.

Anyone who manages a Group benefits from an at-a-glance visualization of Group Type, number of Group Participants, and percentage full.

Your Events management team will love to quickly see approved events, whether they're featured on your website, how many people have registered, and more.

See how many responses your Opportunity has and how many you need without clicking through multiple records.

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