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Power Automate

Power Automate is Microsoft's low-to-no-code integration platform that enables workflows, automation, and more across a set of known connectors. That means you can leverage the power of the Platform to create automated workflows between the Platform and your favorite apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more.

Note: Power Automate is a flexible, dynamic tool that takes the power of the Platform to the next level. Professional Services can help create your Power Automate Connector and initial Flow. The time Professional Services spends on Flow creation is subject to a Ready-Made Solution Consulting or Engineering fee, but once configured, you can modify the Flow as needed.
Tip: Want to see Power Automate in action? Check out our MinistrySmart Conference recording called My First Power Automate Flow With MinistryPlatform In One Hour!

Configuring the MinistryPlatform Connector

You should complete this multi-step process in the order displayed here, within one session of time.

First Things First

Start with these items to get everything in place before you begin:

  • Obtain your Power Automate License. Licenses are $15 for each person who will be creating a flow using the same connector, but Microsoft might offer discounted pricing for non-profits.
  • Download the MinistryPlatform.swagger.json file. Feel free to review the related files in Github.
  • Open MinistryPlatform and navigate to the Administration section.
  • Know your MinistryPlatform base URL. Your base URL is your Platform URL without "/mp" at the end. For example, if your MinistryPlatform URL is https://example-church.com/mp, your Platform base URL would be https://example-church.com/.
  • Open a GUID Generator in a separate tab, and generate a GUID.
  • Open Power Automate in an Incognito browser. This way, you can sign in to the Power Automate Connector with the Power Automate User you will create instead of automatically signing in with your credentials.
  • Confirm your license gives you the access you need:
    • Click the gear icon at the top right to open the Settings menu, then select View My Licenses.
    • Most of the items under Capabilities should have a green check mark next to them.
    • Make sure that you have access to both Premium connectors and Custom connectors.

Note: Be aware that the MP Custom Connector does not include references to any tables that are custom to your MP instances. At this time, it does not include any MinistryPlatform tables that start with "dp_". Custom and dp tables can be added to the Connector once configured.

In Power Automate

  1. From the left menu, select Custom Connectors. (You may need to click More to see this option.)
  2. At the top right, click New custom connector, and select Import an OpenAPI file.
  3. Enter a Connector name, then click Import and select the MinistryPlatform.swagger.json file you downloaded.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. On the General tab, set the Host URL to your MinistryPlatform base URL. Keep the Base URL field in Power Automate as "/ministryplatformapi".
    Note: Your base URL is your Platform URL without "/mp" at the end.
  6. On the Security tab, add "PowerAutomate" to the Client ID field.
  7. For Client secret, paste in the GUID you created using the GUID Generator.
  8. Set the Authorization URL to {your MinistryPlatform base URL}/ministryplatformapi/oauth/connect/authorize.
  9. Set the Token URL and Refresh URL to {your MinistryPlatform base URL}/ministryplatformapi/oauth/connect/token.
  10. Click Create connector at the top. This populates the Redirect URL field.
    Tip: If you need to edit anything on the Security tab, scroll to the bottom and click Edit.
  11. Copy the newly created Redirect URL. (You'll add this to the API Client record in the Platform).

In MinistryPlatform

  1. Go to Contacts, and create a new Contact record with the following information:
    • Display Name: PowerAutomate
    • Email: Enter an email address that will be listed as the sender when emails are sent from Power Automate.
  2. Go to Administration > Users, open APIUser record, and copy it (and its security roles) to a new User record. Then, enter the following information:
    • User Name: PowerAutomate
    • Display Name: PowerAutomate
    • Password: P0werAutomate!
  3. Go to Administration > API Clients, and create a new API Client with the following information:
    • Display Name: PowerAutomate
    • Client ID: PowerAutomate
    • Client Secret: Paste in the GUID you created using the GUID Generator.
    • Client User: Select the User record you just created for Power Automate.
    • Authentication Flow: Authorization Code, Implicit, Hybrid, Client Credentials, or resource Owner.
    • Redirect URIs: Paste in the URL you copied from the Redirect URL field.
      Tip: Add a semi-colon to the end of the URI.
    • Leave other fields as-is.

Return to Power Automate

  1. Continue through the Definition, API Plugin (preview), and Code tabs, leaving the information as-is.
  2. On the Test tab, click Update connector at the top. This may take a few minutes.
  3. Click + New Connection. You'll see a browser pop-up with the SSO window.
  4. Sign in with the Username and Password for the Power Automate User you created. Select the Keep me signed in checkbox.
  5. The Selected Connection drop-down list should display the name of the Connection and the date and time. If it does not, something is incorrect with the Connector configuration. Return to the General and Security tabs, and double-check all the values, especially the Authorization URL. To update any values, scroll down to the bottom of the Security tab and click Edit.
  6. On the Test tab, in the Tables_Get section, click Test Operation. If successful, you'll see a green check mark next to the connection you tested.

Using the MinistryPlatform Connector

Once the Connector is configured and a Flow has been started, you can use its Actions for automation. You can access these in the Custom section of the Add an action window.

If you're using the cloud flows designer, it looks like this, and you can select Custom in the Runtime drop-down list:

If you're using the classic designer view, it looks like this: