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Batch from Authorize.Net Weekly

In Authorize.Net's Administration Area:
  1. Every Monday (or whatever day works for you), select Transaction Search from the top menu, then run a Search by Business Day Report in Authorize.Net based on the previous week.
    Run from Monday to Sunday.
  2. Double-click the Batch column to sort batch ID in lowest to highest order.
  3. Highlight the first set of matching batch ID numbers.
In MinistryPlatform:
  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions > Donations.
  2. Select the Ready to Batch view.
  3. If needed, clear the current/unsaved selection.
  4. Click the Display Name column to sort by last name.
  5. Select the donations that match payments from the Authorize.Net report.
  6. Click Tools > Create Batch Tool.
  7. Select congregation, batch type, and deposit date, and then name the batch.
    auth.net (batch id #)
  8. Click Create Batch.
From this point on, the batch is treated just like any other batch in MinistryPlatform.