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ShelbyNext Export

This section examines how to export deposits through ShelbyNext.

ShelbyNext uses additional account segments (such as Cost Center and Super Fund). If your church is going to use those additional segments, the Deposit Export Tool will not work for you. We can add a report and custom fields to your MinistryPlatform system so you can create a file that uses those fields and creates debits and credits specifically for ShelbyNext journal entries.

If you want this functionality added to your system, a SPoC can contact Support and request this as a Professional Services project.

Initial Setup

  1. Create a bank record. Make sure the accounting company is three characters long and the account number is eight characters long. Add preceding zeros if needed.
  2. Populate the new Shelby fields as needed on your donation programs.

Export Deposits to Shelby

  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions > Deposits.
  2. Make sure you have no records selected on the Deposits page.
  3. Change your view to Ready to Export.
  4. Select all the deposits in the view, and change your selection drop-down to Current/Unsaved Selection to confirm your selection.
  5. Optional: Run any preliminary reports for this selection of deposits.
  6. Click Reports > Selected Deposit - ShelbyNext Excel Export.
    1. Select the correct bank account and parameters.
    2. Click View Report.
    3. Review the report.
    4. If the report is correct, click the Click here to mark these deposits... link in the report.
    5. Save the file to Excel.
    6. Close the report.
  7. Import the file into ShelbyNext. Review their instructions if needed.
Once this process is completed, the Deposit record automatically updates with Exported set to Yes.

Troubleshooting Suggestions

  • If the report generates an error or exports a "blank" entry to Shelby General Ledger, confirm that each Program record in the donations distributions within the deposit have a valid Shelby Fund, Shelby Department, and Shelby Account value that matches a value in your Shelby General Ledger.
    Tip: Use the Stewardship Info view on the Programs page to quickly view account numbers.
  • If the report generates an error or exports a "blank" entry to Shelby General Ledger, confirm that any Event records in the donations distributions within the deposit have a valid project code value that matches a value in your Shelby General Ledger. This value must be a number.
  • If you export a deposit to Shelby v5 Financials by mistake, you can delete the journal entry before posting it to Shelby v5. Before you delete the unposted journal entry, you must first delete the associated bank reconciliation deposit from that module. If the journal entry was posted twice into Shelby v5 Financials, you must reverse the journal entry.
  • If you get the error "item counts do not match," make sure you indicated the correct count. The count is the number of batches in the deposit, not the number of items in the batch.
  • A SPoC should contact support if you need to add (or remove) a new bank account to the bank account report parameter drop-down list set up in Shelby.
  • If you cannot see a fiscal year or period for the company of the bank account you selected, make sure the fiscal year and period is open in Shelby General Ledger.
  • When adding the general ledger entry, a corresponding entry is made in the bank reconcilation. If you can't see the bank reconciliation, ensure that you selected the right program and bank for the item and that you do not have any filters applied to the bank reconciliation screen.
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