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Life Changes

See our MinistrySmart webinar on how to manage these specific life changes in MinistryPlatform.


When a family welcomes a new child to their family, you can add the child to the appropriate Household using the Add/Edit Family Tool. To do so, look up the existing Household and scroll to the next available Family Member section after the Adult Male and Adult Female sections. Then add the child's information in the available Family Member section.

Moving Out / Marriage

Use the Split Household Tool to move one or more family members into an existing Household or into their own new Household.

Separation / Divorce

Similar to moving to a new Household, use the Split Household Tool to update your data for this scenario.


It's important to update all areas of MinistryPlatform to ensure that all further communication to the family does not have the deceased person's name. Use the Deceased Person Tool to quickly update virtually all data related to the deceased person kept in MinistryPlatform.

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