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Prayer & Feedback

You can track things like prayer requests, praises, and comments. In the navigation menu, click Care Cases > Prayer & Feedback.

Prayer & Feedback entries can be created in the following ways:

Keep in mind that different pages and tools offer different field options.

Example of the General section on the Prayer & Feedback record

Prayer & Feedback Fields

The Contact that submitted the prayer request or provided the feedback.
Entry Title
A brief title that summarizes the request or feedback.
Feedback Type
The type of feedback. Admin can manage this list under System Lookups > Feedback Types.
Optionally, connect this request or feedback to a specific Ministry effort (Program).
Date Submitted
The date the Contact submitted the request or feedback.
Visibility Level
The level of visibility this request or feedback should have in your church. Use this for Views, filtered pages, and more.
The detailed request or feedback provided.
Ongoing Need
Optionally, indicate if this request or feedback is ongoing (for example, long-term illness). Use this for views, processes, and more. Set to Yes to mark the request as "In Progress" in MP Mobile.
Assigned To
Optionally, assign a person to this request or feedback so they can follow up. This field does not affect the assignee, nor does it make the record visible to the assignee.
Care Outcome
Optionally, track the follow-up status for this request or feedback. Set to Closed-Success to mark the record as "Closed" in MP Mobile.
Outcome Date
Optionally, track the date you updated the outcome.
Track whether you approved this request or feedback. Use this for views, processes, and more.
Care Case
The Care Case associated with this request or feedback, if applicable.

Manage Prayer & Feedback Entries

Prayer & Feedback Entries link to the related Prayer & Feedback Entry on the Contact Log record.

You may want to create Views based on the visibility level. This way, you can create selections based on the visibility level and then print reports.

If you want to ensure that specific Users can access certain visibility levels, you may want to create one or more Filtered Pages.