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Contribution Imports

Import contributions from another program.

If you use an external source for online gifts, in tandem with Realm, you can export your contributions from the other source and import them into Realm to have all records in one place.

Import a Contribution File from Vanco

  1. Contact Vanco to let them know you would like to receive your contribution file for importing. Vanco will send the contribution .csv file to you as an email attachment. You can call Vanco at 1-800-675-7430 or email Vanco at CS@VancoPayments.com.
  2. To import a Vanco Payment Solutions .csv file, see the attached Realm Importing Guide for specific instructions.

Import Other Non-Realm Online Contributions

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Contributions.
  2. Click Import from .csv.
  3. Enter the batch information to include with the import. For example, you can include a description with your import, like Sunday Service Import.
  4. Click Choose File, locate your .csv file, and click Open.
  5. Click Import. A confirmation message displays showing how the first record will import. Click Yes, Continue. After importing the file, a message displays notifying you if the import was successful. If there were errors, another .csv file is created that contains a list of errors. You will also receive an email stating the batch was imported successfully.