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Re-link a Constant Contact Account

Re-link your Constant Contactaccount with Realm.

In very specific cases, such as Constant Contact applying a security update to the sync, Realm may log you out of your Constant Contact account. When this happens, the sync will not run until you log back in to Constant Contact and give Realm permission to share information between the two platforms.

Constant Contact administrators will receive an email when you need to re-link an account. On the Constant Contact Sync page, you will see a notification under each Constant Contact account that needs to be re-linked. Clicking the link in this notification will take you through the process of logging in and giving Realm permission.

Once you've re-linked your account, the daily sync will automatically function as normal. You will need to re-link each account to complete the process.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Communications > Advanced Emails & Texting.
  2. In the notification under the account's name, click re-link.
  3. Log in to your Constant Contact account, then click Allow when prompted to give Realm permission.