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Background Check Query and Report

Create queries and run reports for background check information.

Background Check Queries

You can create a custom query in the Reporting > Custom Query section of Realm. Queries specific to background checks are:

Last Background Check Date... This will list the latest background check completed per individual based on your criteria. For example, Last Background Check Date... is before... will provide the last background check completed for each individual before the date you select, as long as no background checks have been run after that date. Last Background Check Date... was last month... will provide the last background checks completed from last month, as long as no background checks were run after that.

Last Background Check Package Name... is equal to... This will list the latest background check completed per individual based on the background check package name you enter, as long as one has not been run with a different package name since then.

Last Background Check Status... is equal to... This will list the latest background check ordered per individual based on the current status, as long as one has not been completed with a different status since then. You can choose from Pending, Approved, Denied, or All.


Note about the last run. Background check queries only return the last background checks completed at your church. If a background check was run after the date you entered, with a different package name, or had a different status than the one you selected, it will not display in the list. However, you can view all background checks in the Background Check History on an individual's profile.

Background Check Reports

You can run two different types of background check reports from Realm:

  • Recently Ordered Background Checks
  • Expired/Expiring Background Checks

Export the report as a PDF for printing, or as a CSV to open it in a spreadsheet program.