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Add an Expense

Track your expenses whenever you pay a bill or purchase supplies.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
All expenses automatically have a reference number assigned to them, except checks. Realm Accounting will prompt you to enter one for a check that's been printed.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Expense.
  3. Select the Transaction Type.
    1. Optional: To make this the default transaction type for expenses, select Make default expense type.
  4. Select the Payee, Date (if applicable), and Checking Account.
  5. In the Account field, begin entering each account segment then select it from the list that displays as you type. The fund and core account are required, the other fields are optional.
  6. Enter the Amount.
  7. Optional: Enter a Comment and select a Project.
  8. Optional: Click Add a line if the transaction is split across more than one account.

    If an expense transaction or a single check deposit crosses funds, the checking amount is automatically split by fund. For example, if you purchase supplies for both the church and the school fund and enter a single transaction for both, the checking account will automatically split (or balance) by fund according to how you entered it.

  9. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  10. To add another transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.

Add Income

Income, also known as revenue, is money coming in.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
Track your income whenever you receive a donation, manual event payment, or a refund on a debit or credit card payment.

You can use negative numbers as you enter deposits, checks, and direct payments.

Let's say you receive $1000 in tithes and offerings as income to your church. However, $10 are used to pay a processing fee as you make a deposit to your account.

Set it up so that the total amount is $990. While entering your tithes and offerings account, type $1000 as the amount. ($10) will automatically display below as a way of ensuring both amounts equal the total. This is your processing fee. Parentheses denote a negative number.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Income.
  3. Select the Transaction Type.
    1. Optional: To make this the default transaction type for income, select Make default income type.
  4. Select the Payee (if applicable), Date, and Checking Account or Credit Card Account.
  5. In the Account field, begin entering each account segment then select it from the list that displays as you type. The fund and core account are required, the other fields are optional.
    Tip: If a registrant pays for an event via cash or check, select Deposit as the Transaction Type, and use the account associated with the event.
  6. Enter the Amount.
    Note: When you enter a credit or debit card refund, you will see two Amount fields. The first that you see represents the total amount of the refund. The second that you see represents the amount you receive from a particular account.
  7. Optional: Enter a Comment, and select a Project.
  8. Optional: Click Add a line if the transaction is split across more than one account.
  9. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  10. To add another transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.

Add a Journal Entry

Make a financial correction.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
Adjusting entries are common examples of why journal entries are used. If you've locked your beginning balances and left out one of your accounts, a journal entry with the appropriate credited and/or debited accounts can correct the mistake.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Other.
  3. Select Journal Entry as the Transaction Type.
    1. Optional: To make this the default transaction type for other transactions, select Make default other type.
  4. Select the Date. A reference number is provided automatically.
  5. Enter each Account. Your accounts are already split two ways. One line is for the Credit amount. The other is for the Debit amount – or vice versa.
  6. Optional: Enter a Comment and select a Project.
  7. Optional: Click Add a line if the transaction is split across more than one account.
  8. While it's optional to add a description, we recommend you enter one for a journal entry as a quick reference for when you review your transactions.
  9. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  10. To add another transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.

Add a Bank Transfer

Move assets from one bank to another.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Inquiry.
  2. Select the segments that you want to view transactions for.
  3. Click Apply, then click Other.
  4. Select Bank Transfer as the Transaction Type.
    1. Optional: To make this the default transaction type for other transactions, select Make default other type.
  5. Select the Date and enter the Amount.
  6. Select the Fund.
  7. Select the bank account to Transfer From, then select the bank account to Transfer To.
  8. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  9. To add another transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save..

Add a Credit Card Company Payment

When you receive a credit card statement, review the amount you need to pay within the grace period and track the transaction.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Expense.
  3. Select Check as the Transaction Type.
  4. For the Payee, enter the name of the credit card company, then complete the remaining fields.
  5. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  6. If you want to add another transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.

Add Credit Card Interest

If you pay your credit card off over time, the company will require you to pay interest.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Expense.
  3. Select Credit Card Interest as the Transaction Type.
  4. Complete all fields.
  5. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  6. If you want to add another transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.

    Let's say four departments each have a credit card from the same credit card bank. Your statement will display how much money was spent from each card, however the interest displays as a total for all cards. There are two ways you can approach this in Realm Accounting, so choose the method that best suits your work style.

    Create an additional credit card core account – For this method, set up another credit card account that will act as the recipient of your interest charges and payments. You can run inquiries on this account if you want to see how much interest you paid in total during a period. And, when it's time to reconcile, you can quickly identify your interest payments with this method as well.

    Funnel interest through one credit card account – Designate one of the departments' existing cards as the one that acts as the recipient of your interest charges and payments. Any card will do, but remember to stay consistent.

Add Payroll Checks for a Small Staff

If you have a small staff and want to enter your own payroll, you can record individual checks to your employees.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Expense.
  3. Select Check as the Transaction Type.
  4. Enter the name of the employee you want to pay as the Payee, and complete the remaining fields.
  5. In the Account field, enter each required account segment.
  6. Enter the Amount and a Comment.
  7. Click Add a line to split across more than one account.
  8. To add another payroll transaction, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.
Add Transaction screen showing an example of a check

Add a Journal Entry of Payroll Transactions from a Third Party

If you use a third party payroll solution, you can record a summary of your transactions in Realm Accounting.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > General Ledger.
  2. Click Other.
  3. Select Journal Entry as the Transaction Type.
  4. In the Account field, enter each required account segment.
  5. Enter a Debit or Credit amount depending on the account, and include a Comment.
  6. Click Add a line to split across more than one account.
  7. Review your journal entry, and make sure all of your debit and credit amounts balance.
  8. To record another journal entry, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.
Add Transaction screen showing a journal entry with multiple accounts and amounts
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