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Accounting Reports

Reports can be customized with account segments to show only what you need to see.

Standard Accounting reports are available and can be tailored to suit your needs. You can select all of the criteria you want to include in your report, including specific time periods, funds, core accounts, and departments. Your requests are quickly processed, and you can save reports if you want to use them again at a later time. Saved reports are found under My Saved Reports.

Print an Accounting Report

Print one of many financial reports for your records. Descriptions of each report are available in Realm Accounting.

  • The type of report you can print depends on the role you have.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Reports.
  2. Find the report you want to print, and click Edit and Run.
  3. Select the date range, your preferred print layout, and which transactions and accounts you want to include.
  4. Select your layout and set your filters.
  5. Click Run. If you want to save a copy of a report, click Save and Run.
  6. Print or click Download for a PDF.

Statement of Activities Column Descriptions

Details of each column you can display on your Statement of Activities report.

Noncomparable Columns

These columns only display information for the period you select or the annual amounts for the selected year.

Display a column totaling the actual amount of money spent and earned during the selected period. The report's end date determines the current year.
Display a column containing your budgeted amounts for the selected period.
Budget Remaining
Display a column containing the budgeted amount you have remaining. This column subtracts the actual amount spent or earned from what you budgeted. Parentheses indicate that you're over budget.
Budget % Used
Display a column containing the percentage of your budget that's been used for the selected period. To find this percentage, Realm Accounting divides the actual amount spent and/or earned with your budget for the selected period. A percentage over 100% indicates that you are over budget.
Blank Column
Display nothing in this column. Use this to create a space for notes or proposed budget amounts for the following year.
Annual Budget
Display your total annual budget in this column.
Annual Budget Remaining
Display your remaining budget for the year in this column.
Annual Budget % Used
Display the percentage of your annual budget used in this column. To find this percentage, Realm Accounting divides the actual amount spent and/or earned with your annual budget. A percentage over 100% indicates that you are over budget.
Budget Over/Under
Display a column containing the amount you went over or stayed under budget for the selected period. Compare this with your budget for a selected period to see how it was affected.
Annual Budget Over/Under
Display a column containing the amount you went over or stayed under your total annual budget for the selected period. Compare this with your annual budget to see how it was affected.
Tip: Need an example of how the Over/Under columns may look?

Let's say you budgeted $100 each month for a particular core account. For all months throughout the year, you stay exactly on budget, but in November, you spend $155.

In this instance, your Budget Over/Under column displays ($55) while your Annual Budget Over/Under column displays ($45). This means, you went over your monthly budget, but the parentheses indicate that your annual budget is fine.

In December, you only spend $50 to compensate. This is under the budget you set for the month. That means, your Budget Over/Under column displays $50. However, because of November's overspending, your Annual Budget Over/Under column displays ($5).

Therefore, while you stay under your monthly budget, December still tips the scales for the year, even though November was at fault. How unfair!

Comparable Columns

Compare the difference between one period of time and another.

Actual $ Change
Display the difference in the actual dollar amount spent and earned between the two selected periods.
Actual % Change
Display the actual percentage difference between two selected periods.
Budget $ Change
Display the difference in the budgeted dollar amount between the two selected periods.
Budget % Change
Display the budgeted percentage difference between two selected periods.

Custom Columns

Add custom columns to display values for any date range. For example, create custom columns for undefined periods alongside your current month's actual and budgeted amounts.

Export Wage Totals

Export each employee's wage totals.

After you run a wage report for one or more employees, export that report as a CSV to keep as a separate record or send to an external source. For example, you may send it to an accounting firm when you apply for an Employee Retention Credit.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Reports.
  2. Find Wage Report, and click Edit and Run.
  3. Select a Period, and complete each field with the appropriate information.
  4. Click Run.
    A preview of your wage report displays.
  5. Click the printer icon, and select Export (.csv).
Your CSV has been scheduled and will download shortly.

Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

Provide wage totals for specific dates.

In order for your preferred accounting firm to review, amend, and file your information, you must provide wage totals per employee from the following dates:

  • March 13 – March 31, 2020
  • April 1 – June 30, 2020
  • July 1 – September 30, 2020
  • October 1 – December 31, 2020
  • January 1 – March 31, 2021
  • April 1 – June 30, 2021
  • July 1 – September 30, 2021

Additionally, you must provide quarterly Form 941s for all four quarters of 2020 and the first three quarters of 2021.

This is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on as tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult with legal and tax professionals, and reference the official IRS website for more information.

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