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Help a Member Share Information in the Directory

CAUTION: Only do this if a member asks you to or you have their permission to do so.

The Parish Directory displays the names and contact information of members who choose to share it with the parish. Any Parish Life user (admins, personnel, and parishioners with a login) can view the information that the member chooses to display.

Admins can help members share their information in to the Parish Directory. For example, you may have a parishioner who does not want to use the portal but wants to allow other members to see their contact information.

The Parish Directory is family-based. Families must have at least one head of household in order to display.

  1. Log in to Parish Life using an admin account.
  2. In the menu, click Parish Directory.
  3. Locate the family, then click the member's name to open their profile.
  4. Click Privacy Settings.
  5. If you have the member's permission, turn on the option to share their profile in the directory.
  6. For each section of information that the member wants to share (Phones, Addresses, Emails, and Birthday), turn on the option so it shows Public. Keep anything that they don't want to share set to Private.
    Note: If you share the member profile but select not to show any contact information, only the member's name will display in the Parish Directory.
  7. Click Save.
  8. If this person is not the head of household, repeat these steps for the head in order for the family to display in the directory.

The member receives an email when their profile is shared and when you update the Public/Private settings.