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Set Initial ID Numbers

When you install the program, family ID numbers start at 500 and minister ID numbers start at 100. If you want these IDs to start at a different number, you can edit them in the Initial Setup window.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Initial Setup.
  2. For Family ID numbers start with, enter the ID you want to assign to the first family you add in the program. The default is 500.
  3. For Minister ID number start with, enter the ID you want to assign to the first minister you add in the program. The default is 100.
  4. If you want the next available minister ID to be entered automatically by the program when you add a minister, select Automatically assign minister ID numbers.
    Note: If you clear this option, you must enter an ID number each time you add a minister.
  5. Click Save/OK.
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