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View Information from Archived Files

You can view and run reports on data from your past backups without affecting your current data.
Note: How is this different than restoring a backup? When you restore data from a previous backup, you overwrite any data that was entered after the backup was created. By viewing an archived backup, you can see the past data without affecting or losing your current data. Then when you're finished viewing it, you can return to your current data.

Note that you can't edit information or run processes while viewing the archive. The menu tab background shows in red to indicate when you're in archive mode.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Backup / Restore / Archive > View Information in the Archive.
  2. Select a backup to view.
    • If your backup isn't in the list, select Load the Archive with information from a backup, and click OK.
    • Otherwise, select Use the information already in the Archive from:, select the backup you want, then click OK.
  3. If you're loading from a backup, locate the backup you want from a drive, folder, archive folder, or FTP server. Select the backup in the list, then click Next.
  4. If needed, click Advanced Restore Options to select individual files to restore for data and clipart as well as reports and styles.
  5. When you're ready, click Start Restore.
  6. Once the restore is complete, click OK. You are now in archive mode, as indicated by the red menu tab background.
  7. The archive provides a way to pull a family in an old data set into your current data without affecting any other information. You can go into the archive, export the deleted family to a text file, then go back to your current data and import the text file. This is helpful, for example, if someone deleted a family last month then entered a bunch of new family records. For more, see Export Family Information.
  8. Once you're finished viewing the archive, close it.
    • On the File menu in your PDS program, click Backup / Restore / Archive > Close the Archive and Return to Your Current Data.
    • Or, just exit the program and your current data is restored the next time you open the program.
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