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Assign Mass Intentions

After you schedule a mass, indicate who or what the mass is intended for. You can assign an intention to one mass, or assign the same intention to a group of masses.
Note: By default, the term "Mass" is used, but you can customize this term. For more information, see Set Initial Program Options.
  1. On the Information tab, click Mass Schedule > Mass Intentions.
  2. To assign an intention to a single mass:
    1. Locate the mass in the grid, and enter the Intention and Given By information.
    2. If applicable, enter the presider and stipend amount, and select whether it has been paid.
    3. Indicate the purpose of this intention.
    4. If needed, enter the email address of the person associated with the intention.
  3. To assign the same intention to multiple masses:
    1. Select criteria to filter the mass list. For example, if you want to assign an intention to masses held during the month of March, select a date range.
    2. Select to display masses with intentions, with no intentions, or both.
    3. Click Apply Filter. A list of masses matching your criteria displays.
    4. Click Assign Intention to Filtered List.
    5. Enter the intention information you want to assign to all selected masses.
    6. Select whether to add this information to the existing information for the mass or replace the existing intention.
    7. If needed, clear the Post Intention checkbox next to any masses you don't want to update.
    8. Click Apply/OK.

Intentions display in the Mass Intentions list as well as on the event record in the Mass Intentions window. You can include this information in reports.