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Plot Prospects

In Prospect Center, you can plot prospects, or those without ties to your organization, on a map.

You must have access to Neighbor/Prospect Center. You can request it from your Agency Manager.

Plotting prospects is about building relationships with people and discovering new ministry opportunities with households who aren't currently involved.

For example, you may have a senior ministry, and plotting congregants and prospects lets you see seniors who live next door to current members. With Prospect Center, you can connect people with similar mission interests together.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Plotting.
  2. In the Control Center, under Prospect Center, click Start Prospect Center.
  3. In the drop-down lists, select the options for the prospects you want to plot.
  4. In the Legend By drop-down list, select an attribute to use for your legend. Some options include Head of Household Age, Children in Household, and Income.
  5. When finished, click Plot.

The prospects display on your map. To clear your map, click Stop Prospect Center.

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