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Add Attributes in People Upload

When uploading people, you can define additional numeric, text, true/false, list, or date attributes.

To upload people and use People Plot, you must be a Study Manager. You can request access from your Agency Manager.

People Upload includes several standard fields, such as ClientID, FirstName, LastName, Address1, Address2, City, State, and ZipCode.

However, you may want to include other fields. Attributes let you add additional columns of fields to your upload template. You can define your own attributes when uploading people.

For example, if you want to include birthdays, you can add an Attribute Name of Birthday with an Attribute Type of Date/Time.

When you download the template for your people type, the Birthdays Attribute Name displays as a column on your spreadsheet, so you can enter birthdays in that column.

You can add attributes when you define a new people type for your upload, and you can add up to 20 attributes per People Type.

  1. In People Upload, select a Study.
  2. Click Add New People Type.
  3. Enter a People Type Name. You can only add attributes when adding a people type.
  4. Click Add New Attribute.
  5. Enter an Attribute Name and select an Attribute Type. If you add a List attribute, you can add values and select these in your spreadsheet
  6. To add additional attributes, click Add New Attribute.
  7. Enter an Attribute Name and select the Attribute Type. To remove an attribute, click Remove.
  8. When you finish adding attributes, click Next.
  9. Download the people upload template for your new people type. This template will include columns for all added attributes.
  10. In the downloaded template, enter your congregants' data.
  11. When your congregants' data is entered and saved in the template, click File input.
  12. Select your file and click Open. Your file's data displays in the window, along with any errors.
  13. Correct any errors, then click Upload
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