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Upload People into MissionInsite

Uploading people defines your ministry area. This lets you see your ministry's reach and depth so you can connect and build relationships with members.

Before you can upload people data, make sure your data is properly formatted in an Excel or .csv format. Ministry partners using one of the following products can find detailed instructions for creating a export prior to uploading.

For others, use the best practices for exports listed in the ACS or PDS help articles below.

To upload people and use People Plot, you must be a Study Manager. You can request access from your Agency Manager.

Note: If you created upload files before the latest release, the data structure of the file may have changed. Download the template and validate that your columns match before uploading.
Note: Correcting errors in the table lets you quickly make changes if you have a few errors. If you have a large volume of data and many errors, such as incorrect date formats, you may want to go back and correct your file and upload again.

  1. Log into MissionInsite with your email address and password.
  2. If your organization has multiple studies, under Which Study Would You Like to Work With?, select your study’s name.
  3. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click People Plot.
  4. Click Upload People, then Next.
  5. Select a Study and People Type. To add a new people type, click Add New People Type. If you add a new people type, you can also add attributes for additional fields to upload.
  6. Click Next
  7. When prompted, download the people upload template.
  8. In the downloaded template, enter your congregants' data.
  9. When your congregants' data is entered and saved in the template, click File input.
  10. Select your file and click Open. Your file's data displays in the window, along with any errors.
  11. Correct any errors. After correcting them, click Download to download a corrected .xls spreadsheet file for your records.
  12. Click Upload. Do not close the upload window until the upload completes.
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