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Configuring My Mission Trips

Quick Start

Help people going on mission trips visualize and manage their trips! See the Quick Start Guide for tips on getting the My Mission Trips Widget up and running.

If the shared script hasn't been added to your website, add it to the appropriate webpage, replacing "example-church.com" with the base URL of your church's website.

<script id="MPWidgets" src="https://example-church.com/widgets/dist/MPWidgets.js"></script>

Create a webpage on your website that will display your My Mission Trips Widget or identify the page on your website where it will display.

Add the My Mission Trips Widget to your church website by adding following snippet of code, along with required attributes, in the body of your chosen website page, modifying the required attributes.

<mpp-my-mission-trips missiontripcampaigntypeid="1"></mpp-my-mission-trips>
Tip: While not mandatory, this snippet would typically be placed inside a <div> element with the class "container".