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Platform - Released August 21-22, 2023

This release provides enhancements that benefit everyone in your organization. From staff entering data on records, to SPoCs setting up new users, to congregants and parishioners who fall on hard times -- there's something for everyone!

CAUTION: Heads Up!

Today, users can set up MP accounts using either a mobile phone number or an email address. But soon, we'll require an email address as part of account creation. This keeps integrations flowing smoothly since many of our partners require email addresses.

Not sure if you have users without email addresses? Go to Administration > Users, and check out the view called "Fix: No Contact Email (excludes deceased)". Make sure everyone with a User Name also has a Contact Email listed.

You Asked for It, We Did It!

We know you're full of great ideas! So check out the Idea Board and add a new idea or vote for the one(s) you love.

  • Are record insights getting in your way when you edit a record? Now, you can hide and show them in edit mode, just like you can when you're viewing the record!

  • Now, when Contact records are created from the Login widget, the associated Household record is automatically created, too! It uses the default values for Congregation, Household Source, and Household Position.

  • If you use Twilio for texting, you may be working with Twilio to register your A2P campaigns. We are updating MP signup screens to include a default opt-in message that states, "By providing your phone number, you agree to receive text messages. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies and you may opt-out at any time." You can customize this message using the Application Label, Platform Client: oauth.smsDataWarning.

  • Fixed an issue where an error message incorrectly displayed for some users when copying a record with an attached file.

  • Fixed an error that displayed if you tried to view the Events or Group page in List layout and had an Event or Group with a large number of participants.

  • Fixed an issue where the badge on the My Tasks tab still reflected outstanding items after a user completed them.

User Preferences

  • A new user shouldn't have to spend their first 30 minutes in the Platform adjusting settings to match everyone else. They should be exploring and learning how to do their tasks! Now, a SPoC can set global defaults for:
    • Navigation to show the Basic or Advanced menu
    • Charts to be shown or hidden
    • Layout to show as a grid or list
    • Record insights to be shown or hidden
  • And, since a user's settings are stored in their browser's cache, this comes in handy when you need to clear your cache. Of course, users can always override the defaults based on their preferences. But this allows everyone to start on the same page! See User Preferences for more information on global settings.


  • *Schema change* Some online donation tools offer options for Quarterly and Semi-Annually, so we added two new Pledge Frequencies: Every three months and Every six months.

  • *Schema change* Sometimes, life happens and an individual is unable to fulfill their pledge. Now, you can adjust or write off the remaining amount and reduce the total pledge amount. To make this possible, we added new tables and pages for Pledge Adjustments and Pledge Adjustment Types. On Pledge records, you'll see a tab for Adjustments where you can track changes to original pledge amounts.

  • Fixed an issue where the Last Installment Date for pledges was not considering the first installment in the calculation.

Campaign Goals

  • *Schema change* There's a new page called Campaign Goals, where you can set up goal amounts for each congregation/parish. This information also displays on a Goals subpage for each Pledge Campaign. Another new page, called Campaign Goal Summary, shows the progress for each goal, including the Goal Amount, Pledge Count, Original Pledge, Total Received, Write Offs, and Pledged.


  • *Schema change* For our Sacraments feature, we added a Sacrament Place ID field to the Congregations/Parishes table. That means you can connect your congregations/parishes to the corresponding Sacrament Place/Parish records you add!

  • You can see a line graph of sacraments performed by month based on the Date Received. This graph respects the global filter you have selected.

  • There's a new subpage where you can see the sacraments completed at each Sacrament Place/Parish. Just open the record, and click the Sacraments Completed tab!

  • In Catholic instances, we added pages under the Sacrament section for Reconciliation Prep and Holy Orders. If needed, you can track that information in the Platform.


  • Snippets are now dynamic, just like Templates and Fields! When you create a new message, the Snippets list changes based on your selection of Recipients, showing items that are relevant to the pages and subpages.

  • The Platform now supports multiple proxy email domains. On the Domains/Accounts page, you can include a list of valid "from" addresses in the Email Domain field (one per line). If an outgoing message doesn't match any of the email domains in the list, it's sent using the domain proxy settings (like it is today).


  • *Schema change* Donor records now have a 16-character Donor Code. You can define and use this code in any way that fits your needs, but the idea is to uniquely identify each donor. For our Catholic instances, you might use this as the diocesan identifier for donors that's separate from the envelope number.

Group Participants

  • *Schema change* In order to support future enhancements to GroupLife, we added the following fields to Group Participant records: Show Birthday, Show Email, Show Home Phone, Show Mobile Phone, Show Address, and Show Photo. These are hidden and default to No until an authenticated user selects the option in GroupLife.

User Interface

  • You've been asking for this, and we made it happen… You can choose your own chart colors! Go to System Lookups > Chart Colors, and select the color you want to see for each numbered chart position. Enter a color name (like "yellow"), enter a hexadecimal color value (like #FCF537), or select from the color picker. Note: To see color changes, you'll need to refresh a page where your charts display. After that, all pages will show the changes.

  • You can now crop the thumbnail image that displays on a record. Click the pencil icon beside the attached file, then select Edit Thumbnail.

  • We added navigation buttons so you can navigate between open records without having to close each one.

    And, when viewing a recurrence, a new calendar button lets you quickly switch to another recurrence record.

    The navigation buttons also display on mobile devices.

  • In drop-down menus and pick lists, we moved the action icons inside of the field they're related to. That way, users (especially if new to MP) can see that those actions will affect that particular field. For example, they know exactly which field will be cleared when they click the X icon inside the Marital Status field.

MP Academy

  • There's a new item in your Bookmarks list for MP Academy! (Click the bookmark icon in the top-right corner to see your list.) Here, you'll find upcoming webinars, recorded past webinars that you can watch anytime, eLearning courses, and more. Visit the MinistrySmart Academy today!

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