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Platform - Released July 22-23, 2024

We've improved the solution for the one-click unsubscription email requirement.

star icon indicating a featured enhancement Unsubscribe from Publications

  • We plan to improve how SendGrid communicates unsubscriptions back to the Platform. With that in place, MinistryPlatform can limit that person's unsubscription request to the specific publication. That means the person will still get the other publication emails they expect to receive!
  • For more details, check out Use Publications for Unsubscriptions, which includes best practices and an FAQ.

Required Steps for SendGrid

When you created your SendGrid API Key, you were instructed to give access to Mail Send only. The new Unsubscribe from Publications feature will require two additional permissions. Here's what you need to do to edit your existing SendGrid API Key permissions:

  1. In your SendGrid account, go to Settings > API Keys.
  2. Beside your existing API Key, click the gear icon and select Edit API Key.

    Not sure which key to update? Compare the API Key ID in SendGrid with the key in the SMTP Server Password on your Domain record.

    Example of the API Key in SendGrid matching the key in the Domain record

  3. Scroll down, and expand the Suppressions section.
  4. For Suppressions, move the bar all the way to the right to give full access.
  5. For Unsubscribe Groups, move the bar all the way to the right to give full access.
  6. Scroll to the bottom, and click Update.

You'll also need to update your SendGrid mail settings. Here's how:

  1. In your SendGrid account, go to Settings > Mail Settings.
  2. Under Webhook Settings, click Event Webhooks.
  3. Under Engagement Data, select Group Unsubscribes.
  4. Save your changes.

That's it! Once you've updating your key and mail settings, you can start using Publications for unsubscriptions.