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Charts provide an accessible snapshot of key data to help your Users get a sense of where things are and where they're headed. A charts record insight is the perfect way to encapsulate recent attendance totals for Groups or recent Household giving. As with all things record insights, the sky's the limit, so get creative. And don't forget to show your work in the MinistryPlatform Community so we can oooh and awww (and maybe borrow some ideas).

  • The following pages include these chart record insights:
    • Contacts Page: Contacts recent activity by month
    • Households Page: Household recent activity by month
    • Participants Page: Participant's recent activity by month
    • Groups Page: Group's recent attendance totals
    • Events Page: Event registration by registration date
    • Donors Page: Donor's giving history
    • Pledge Campaign Page: Pledge Campaign history
  • The chart record insight is based on a sub-page view, so think strategically about where the data you want in your view is and where you can build a view that puts the information into one row per data point. For example, for the Group Attendance record insight, the sub-page view is on the Rooms & Groups tab of the Group record.
    Tip: Build your view before configuring your insight.
  • Hovering over a section of the chart will display the data point.
CAUTION: Record insights should be a quick insight to the record. Build chart record insights that will be useful for that page, and be aware that those charts will probably be different than your view charts.

Add Chart Record Insights

MinistryPlatform comes preloaded with a bunch of record insights. But if you want to add your own, you can do that if you have access to the System Setup section.

  1. Build your view on the tab of the page that will display the record insight. Your view must display the information to be plotted in a single row. So the view for our sample record insight shows Group Attendance for the past six months of meetings, with one Event date per row.
    1. Some charts will need at least two columns, one for the X-axis (horizontal) and one for the Y-Axis (vertical).
    2. Some charts will only include the Y-Axis.
  2. Go to System Setup > Insights.
  3. Click New to create a new record insight. Or find one you like, and click Copy.
  4. Add or edit the necessary information:
    1. Title: A clear, concise title for your record insight. The title displays on the chart record insight, so enter something that will be understandable to others.
    2. Page: The page where the record insight will display.
    3. Sub Page View: The view the images will be sourced from. In this example, the Current Addresses view on the Participants tab.
    4. Template: The template for this insight.
      • type: The type of chart you want the record insight to display.
      • x=: The subpage view column name will be the X-Axis (horizontal) access of your chart. If the column name is an alias, use that same alias as the name value.
      • y=: The subpage view column name will be the Y-Axis (vertical) access of your chart. If the column name is an alias, use that same alias as the name value.
        Tip: Dates are ideal for the x-axis while IDs and other integers are ideal for the y-axis. Note that string data types (for example, [Event Title] are not accepted as they cannot be plotted.
    5. View Order: The order this insight will display in, from left to right.
    6. Active: Whether the insight will show up on the page. If it is no longer relevant, set this to No.
  5. Click Save.

Chart Templates

Copying the template below is a great way to go! But be sure to switch the Template field into source mode (by clicking the </> button) before pasting.
{Chart: type=column, x=[Event Start Date], y=[Group Attendance]}

Available Charts

Different data calls for different charts. But don't worry, we've got you covered with a whole menu of chart-type options. Pick the chart type that works for you! And don't be afraid to try a new chart type because you can always change it back if it doesn't work out.

Important: Chart names are case sensitive, so be sure to copy the chart names exactly.
Figure 1. type=bar
Figure 2. type=column
Figure 3. type=spline
Figure 4. type=splineArea
Figure 5. type=stepLine
Figure 6. type=stepArea
Figure 7. type=line
Figure 8. type=area
Figure 9. type=pie define Y-axis only
Figure 10. type=pyramid define Y-axis only