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Basic Comparisons

Comparisons Without Search Terms

Some comparisons check for values or missing values using the NULL keyword. NULL represents a missing value and NOT NULL represents an existing value.

The valid operators when comparing NULL are "IS" and "IS NOT."

Note: Values are never equal to NULL (not even NULL is equal to NULL). This means comparisons to NULL cannot use equality operators and comparisons which do use equality operators always drop our the NULL values. A helpful SQL Function often used to deal with this limitation of NULL is the ISNULL Function.

The following query returns records with birth date:

The comparison in the resulting SQL looks like this:

Date_of_Birth IS NOT NULL

The following query returns records without birth dates:

The comparison in the resulting SQL looks like this:

Date_of_Birth IS NULL

Single Value Comparisons

The majority of filter types are single-value comparisons. Each of these requires a single Search Term.

These can be thought of as mathematical comparisons, even for text and dates. Any piece of text may be compared to another using these comparisons because the text is treated like a string of numbers in which A < B < C and so on. Dates are also treated as numbers internally.

Text Comparisons

Text values are expressed in single quotes. If you omit the quotes, the Advanced Search Tool will add them for you.

Text comparisons support exact matches or wildcards so you can match when text is "like" a search term or only when it is exact.

Exact Match

The Exact Match comparison uses equals:

Display_Name = 'Smith, John'