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Need Connect Email Templates

Note: Since you can rename Messages, Messages may have different names in your system than what is listed here.

Requester Confirmation Email Template

The email template an unauthenticated User requesting help receives after they indicated they have a Need. Users must click the verification link to confirm their information. This Message requires a verification token for Need or Provider records in the Platform. Additionally, since you haven't created records for this User in the Platform at this point, you can't use Contact Merge Fields.

  • Required Token: Verification Token [Verification_Return_URL]
  • Available Merge Fields: None
  • When it's triggered: After completing the "I NEED Help" form
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, RequesterConfirmationEmailTemplateId

Provider Confirmation Email Template

The email template an unauthenticated User offering to provide help receives after they indicate they can help others in need. This User must click the Verification link to confirm their information. This Message requires a verification token for Need or Provider records in the Platform. Additionally, since you haven't created records for this User in the Platform at this point, you can't use Contact Merge Fields.

  • Required Token: Verification Token [Verification_Return_URL]
  • Available Merge Fields: None
  • When it's triggered: After completing the "I CAN Help" form
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, ProviderConfirmationEmailTemplateId

Provider Assignment Email Template

The email template sent to a Provider after they're assigned to a Need in the Connect Board. Assignments made from the Platform do not trigger this email. This email contains the Requester's name, phone, and postal code. It aso includes a button to Decline the assignment, which unassigns the User from the request and displays the request on the Connect Board again, and a link to the My Assignments page, so the Provider to see all accepted Assignments.

  • Required Token: Decline Token [Decline_Need_Url], Link to My Assignments
  • Available Merge Fields: Contact Merge Fields, [Requester_Name], [Need_Type], [Requester_Email], [Requester_Mobile_Phone], [Need_Created_Date]
  • When it's triggered: After a Provider accepted an assignment from the Connect Board.
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, ProviderAssignmentEmailTemplateId

Need Assigned Email Template

The email template sent to a Requester that confirms their Need was assigned to a Provider through the Connect Board. Assignments made from the Platform do not trigger this email. This email includes a link to Cancel, which marks the Need as Complete.

  • Required Token: Cancel Token [Cancel_Need_Url]
  • Available Merge Fields: Contact Merge Fields, [Requester_Name], [Need_Type], [Requester_Email], [Requester_Mobile_Phone], [Need_Created_Date]
  • When it's triggered: After a Provider was assigned to the Requester's specific need through the Connect Board.
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, NeedAssignedEmailTemplateId
Note: Do not secure the selected Author User, From Contact, and Reply To Contact for these email templates using Record Restrictions. This prevents Need Contact from sending emails and prevents Need Connect from functioning properly. Assign these values to an unsecured User and Contact record.