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Emails automatically sent by Need Connect support the following special tokens.

Verification Token [Verification_Return_URL]
The verification link or token holds the submitted data as pending until the link is clicked. Once clicked, it returns the user to the verification message. Upon clicking, the following actions are done in the Platform: Creates Provider, Need Type Provider and/or Need records. Expires after 72 hours if left unclicked.
Decline Token [Decline_Need_Url]
Unassigns the Provider from the Need. Once clicked, it returns to the unassigned message.
Complete Token [Complete_Need_Url]
Marks the Need as Complete. Once clicked, returns the user to the complete message.
Cancel Token [Cancel_Need_Url]
Immediately marks the Need as Complete, clears the Provider field, and adds a Note: "Cancelled by Requester". Displays the cancelled message.
Base URL Token [Need_Connect_Base_Url]
Resolves the base Need Connect URL for your system (for example, https://name.ministryplatform.cloud/needconnect/). Can be used as [Need_Connect_Base_Url]board or [Need_Connect_Base_Url] assignments to redirect to those specific areas of the application.