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HTML Fields

Rich text fields support HTML, and you can edit them using the default WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor or the source view.

Example of an HTML field showing the editor and different formatting options

A: Full-Screen View
Edit your text in full-screen mode, much like a word processor. This enlarges the view to the full size of the browser window. Use the same button to return to the regular view.
B: HTML Source View
When in HTML Source View, you can edit HTML directly. Use the same button to return to the normal WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor view.
Note: The HTML editor only supports those elements that go inside the body. The editor strips out or alters elements such as doctype, HTML, head, and body in such a way that they don't function as they do in a full HTML document.
Text Formatting
  • Bold – Applies bold to selected text.
  • Italic – Applies italics to selected text.
  • Underline – Applies underline to selected text.
    Tip: Since it is common to underline links (to indicate that you can click them), avoid underlining text that is not a clickable link.
  • Strikethrough – Applies -strikethrough- to selected text.
Paragraph Formatting
  • Numbered Lists – Creates a list with numbers.
  • Bulleted Lists – Creates a list with bullets.
  • Indent – Increases the left margin.
  • Outdent – Decreases the left margin.
  • Left Align – Paragraph is aligned on the left and ragged on the right.
  • Center Align – Paragraph is centered.
  • Right Align – Paragraph is ragged on the left and aligned on the right.
  • Insert Link – This requires a link, link text (the visible underlined link), and a target URL.
  • Remove Link – This removes a link but retains the text.
  • Insert Image – You must insert these as a link to an image.
Note: Third party software, including browser extensions, may try to populate rich text forms in MinistryPlatform by mistake. If you notice random code snippets added to fields unexpectedly, try disabling extensions or changing browsers as one of your troubleshooting steps.
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