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Create Signed Document Requirements

This task describes the process for creating signed document requirements.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • Have an imported or PDF version of the document you want to make a requirement.

A signed document requirement is essential for gathering all of the necessary signatures you need from trip participants, including children under 18 and their guardians.

  1. Click Admin > Components.
  2. Under Components select Requirements.
  3. Click Create New Requirement.
    Create new requirements for signed documents.
  4. In the Requirement Type drop-down list select Signed Document.
  5. Create a Requirement Name and Friendly Name.
  6. Select a document from the Select Document drop-down list.
  7. Select who the requirement is for and who can fulfill it.
    Note: These options are available for documents that need just one signature. For document requiring two signatures, Go Method automatically defaults the signatures as Guardian and Participant (Minor).
    The options that show up for signed documents that require only one signature.
  8. Click Create Requirement.
You created a signed document requirement and will see it listed under Requirements.