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View Contacts with Bounced Statements

Even if you e-mail statements, you must generate paper statements for those who don't have an e-mail address or elected not to receive statements by e-mail.

If an email bounces, you must generate a paper statement..

A bounced e-mail message means the e-mail you sent was returned as undeliverable. This occurs if a contributor or customer has changed e-mail addresses or their inbox is full.

You can view a report of bounced contacts in Constant Contact, so that you can resend the statements via mail and contact those individuals for their correct e-mail addresses.

  1. Log in to Constant Contact.
  2. On the Constant Contact Home Page tool bar, click Email.
  3. In the email list, click an email name.
  4. Under Email Stats, click on the number for bounces.
A list of bounced email addresses displays.
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