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Reassigning Contributions Envelope Numbers

You can reassign envelope numbers to fill gaps.

If you have a lot of gaps in envelope numbers, renumbering can help you to purchase fewer boxes. You can reassign envelope numbers at any time, but do not apply the changes until you are ready to use them.

When reassigning envelope numbers, you can perform the first steps of the procedure listed below before the end of the year. You can do this when you order boxed envelopes or when you send a file to your envelope company for the next year. Do not click Apply until you are ready to start using the new envelope numbers.

Note: We recommend making a backup before reassigning envelope numbers.

After you reassign envelopes, restoring a backup is the only way to undo the reassignment. If you reassign envelope numbers before time to use the new numbers and do not have a valid backup, you must use the Find Person option or work from your list of new/old numbers to post each entry. You should also print the Reassignment Proof List for your records.

Guidelines for reassigning envelope numbers:
  • Envelope numbers are not reassigned to individuals whose member statuses are not selected.
  • In number reassignment, you can include individuals who currently do not have a member status.
  • In number reassignment, you can include individuals with blank envelope numbers.
  • When using the Exclusion Range option, you can exclude envelope numbers within a selected range so that records with these numbers are not reassigned new envelope numbers.
  1. Under Advanced Tools, click the Settings tab.
  2. Select Contributions from the drop-down list and click Go .
  3. Click the Envelope Number Maint. tab.
  4. Enter the envelope Starting Number and Increment.
  5. To exclude a range of envelope numbers that will not be given to contributors as a part of the reassignment process, select Exclude Numbers in this Range. Then, enter the range in the Starting with and Ending on fields.
  6. Under Record Selection, select the records to include in the reassignment.
  7. Under When Reassigning Numbers, select Replace the current reassigned list with records that match this criteria or Add to the current reassigned list with records that match this criteria.
  8. Under Selected Member Statuses, select the member statuses for which you want to assign envelope numbers.
  9. Click Reassign. When the confirmation message displays, click Yes.
  10. If you are ready to start using the new envelope numbers, click Apply.
    Note: Do not click Apply until you are ready to start using the new envelope numbers. The best time to do this is during your year-end procedures.
  11. When the confirmation message displays, click Yes to replace the old envelope numbers with the new envelope numbers.
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