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Security for Emailing Statements

To avoid any issues with privacy concerns, we've taken several measures to ensure that contributors or customers can access only their statement.

These security precautions include:

  • All personal and financial data is transmitted using industry-standard SSL encryption.
  • The hyperlink each contributor receives is unique and generated specifically for that individual. Only the contributor can open the link and access the statement associated with it.
  • Contributors cannot access another person's statement using the hyperlink sent to them. Each contributor must enter the e-mail address provided for statements, so someone cannot modify the hyperlink to view another contributor's statement.
  • ACS Technologies will never sell, share, or use contributors' or customers e-mail addresses.

When your recipients open the e-mail, they see a link to the statement rather than only a statement or an e-mail with the statement attached.

Since the e-mail is set up in Constant Contact, you can customize the look and feel of the e-mail by including your church, school, or organization's contact or follow-up information, logo, or mission statement.

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