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Plan of Action for Emailing Plain Paper Statements

Here are some guidelines for introducing your donors to receiving contributions statements by e-mail.

  1. Use letters, e-mail, the church newsletter, Sunday morning bulletins and announcements, and other methods to let members know that they can receive contributions statements by e-mail.
  2. Conduct a campaign to update contributors' e-mail addresses. Advertise this option and encourage contributors to participate.
  3. Devise a plan for contributors to inform your office of their correct e-mail address. Decide who is responsible for verifying current e-mail addresses and entering new e-mail addresses on contributors' records.
  4. Develop a privacy policy and inform all contributors of the policy. Assure contributors that no one outside of the church or organization has access to your records. Let them know that only authorized personnel have access to their records, and make sure your ACS security options reflect this.
  5. Before sending statements by e-mail, conduct a trial run to make sure the process is set up correctly. Test each contributor's e-mail address when you enter it in ACS.
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