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Process Statements

Once you generate statements, a report displays, listing the contributors selected to receive e-mails and their e-mail addresses.

We recommend printing this report to verify the e-mail addresses are correct before sending the e-mails. If necessary, you can make changes to a contributor's record and reprocess the statements. You can reprocess statements as many times as you need to before e-mailing them.

When a contributor receives and opens the e-mail, he or she enters the e-mail address to access his or her contributions statement.

After the contributor clicks a link to access the statement, the PDF statement displays. Contributors have 45 days to access their statements. During this time, you can reprocess statements for contributors if necessary.

Any statements that you reprocess and resend overwrite the original statements for those contributors, but statements for other contributors remain unchanged.

  1. Under Searches and Reports, click the Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Contributions Reports or Staff/Organization Reports and click Go.
  3. In the upper sidebar, expand Statements, then select E-mail Plain Paper Statement.
  4. If prompted to authorize your Constant Contact account, log into Constant Contact and click Allow. Once your account is authorized, you can continue processing statements.
  5. Select the desired date range (if something other than the default) and click Customize.
  6. On the Report Options tab, select the appropriate e-mail options.
  7. Optional: In the Select E-mail Type field, click to select an e-mail type in the drop-down list.
  8. If your organization has multiple Constant Contact accounts, click Manage Accounts to select which Constant Contact account to use when sending the statements.
  9. In the Statement Link drop-down list, select the Constant Contact field to store the statement URL in. We recommend that you select a custom field, such as Custom Field 1. Remember the field's number, because you will need it when you link to the statement in Constant Contact.
  10. In the Greeting Name drop-down list, select the Constant Contact field that you want to use for the Statement Greeting. By default, the statement label name displays. For example, if the statement is a combined contributions statement for James and Jane Aaron, "Mr. and Mrs. James Aaron" displays in the e-mail.
  11. Make any other selections that you want to include on the statements, then click Preview.
  12. A report displays that lists all the contributors selected to receive an e-mail. Verify the information on the report, then click Close.
  13. A message displays confirming that you want to send the recipients' statement date to Constant Contact. Click Yes.
  14. When the second confirmation message displays, click Yes if you are ready to send e-mails.
Constant Contact opens in a Web browser, and it's time for you to send the e-mails in Constant Contact.
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