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Adding a Pledge

If you conduct an annual budget pledge campaign or any other pledge campaign that begins at first of the year, you can enter the pledges as soon as you receive pledge cards from contributors.

Entering the pledge information for the new year does not affect the contributor's giving record for the current year.

If your pledge campaign is not a recurring one, such as the annual budget, the first step in entering pledges is to set up the pledge fund.

Note: When entering pledges for years with 53 Sundays, you can adjust the Total Pledge to the equivalent of a 52 Sunday total amount, start the pledge on the second Sunday of January, or allow contributors to give for 53 Sundays.
  1. Under Manage Records, click the Contributions tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Add/Edit Pledges and click Go .
  3. To find your contributor, click Find Person or Find Org.
  4. Select the contributor's name, then click OK. Once selected, the contributor's current pledges and pledge history display.
  5. Click Add.
  6. If applicable, select the pledge's Entry Date. This defaults to the current date.
  7. Select the pledge's Fund, Start Date, Stop Date, and Frequency.
  8. Enter the pledge's Amount per period and Additional Amount (if applicable). ACS calculates the pledge's Total, but you can edit this field if you need to.
  9. If applicable, select the Giving Plan.
    Note: Individuals who have pledged with an undecided amount and frequency can be entered into the database with a frequency of As Can and an amount of $0.00.
  10. Optional: To add additional pledges for this individual, select Add Another.
  11. Click OK.
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