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Email Plain Paper Statements

You can e-mail plain paper statements to your contributors using Constant Contact.

This lets your contributors receive their statements faster than regular mail, and your organization saves the cost of mailing paper statements. You can also quickly and easily resend statements if you need to.


The Plain Paper Statement meets the IRS requirements for reporting charitable gifts.

This statement provides a detailed list of contributions, and acknowledges the IRS requirements for reporting non-cash gifts, items-of-value gifts, and contributions totaling $250.00 or more in one day.

Each contributor who wants to receive statements by e-mail must provide you with a valid e-mail address.

When a couple has a combined record:

  • You can add a different e-mail address to both records. The statements are sent to the e-mail address in the Head's record.
  • You can add the same e-mail address to both records. The statements are sent to the e-mail address in the Head's record.
  • If the Head's record has no e-mail address, the statements are sent to the e-mail address in the Spouse's record.

When a couple has separate records, the statements are sent to the e-mail address in each contributor's record.

ACS selects e-mail addresses in the following order:

  • If you select Preferred E-mail, ACS sends contributions statements to only those addresses. If no preferred e-mail exists, ACS sends the statement to the first e-mail address listed on the contributor's record.
  • If you select an E-mail Address Type, ACS sends contributions statements to the addresses associated with that type.
  • If you select Preferred E-mail AND an Address Type, ACS sends contributions statements to both addresses. If the selected type and preferred e-mail address are identical, only one statement is sent. If the contributor doesn't have an e-mail address for the selected address type nor a preferred e-mail address, no statement is sent.

Before sending Plain Paper Statements in ACS, you'll need to:

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