Printing Forms W-2
You can print Forms W-2 for year-end.
ACS offers a two-up W-2 Statement and a four-up W-2 Statement. You can use the two-up W-2 Statement to print employer Copy A (federal, red scannable), Copy D (file), and Copy 1 (state/local) forms. You can use the four-up W-2 Statement to print employee Copy B (federal), Copy C (file), and Copy 2 (state/local) on one four-up quadrant-style perforated sheet. You can also print statements on a blank form.
In addition, you can select the number of copies you want to print. Copies refers to the number of Forms W-2 per employee for each set of Forms W-2 you need to print. For example, if you are using laser 2-Up Statements in six parts and your copies are collated by copies A, B, C, and D for each employee, set the number of copies to 6. If your copies are not collated or you are printing two-part forms, leave the number of copies set to 1 and print the Forms W-2 in batches, one batch for each copy that you need. After printing all batches, separate and collate the batches manually by employee.
You can also use the Adjust 2nd W-2 option to increase or decrease the spacing between the first and second Form W-2 on the 2-Up Statements. Increase the spacing to move the printing of the second W-2 down on the page. Decrease the spacing to move the printing of the second W-2 up on the page.