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Add Images to Events

When adding an event, you can associate an image with your event.

You can also reuse event images if several events feature the same logo.

To avoid adding duplicate images, you can preview an image by clickingPreview. If you don't find the image you're looking for, you can add one from your computer.

  1. When adding an event, click Click to add Primary Image. The Select Media Files window displays.
  2. To add an image, click Add File.
  3. In the File Details window, enter the image's Name.
  4. In the drop-down list, select a Media Category, then select the category where you want include this file. If you don't see an appropriate category, click to add a new category.
  5. Enter a Description for the file.
  6. Click Upload File.
  7. Navigate to the directory that contains the file you want to upload.
  8. Select the file you want to upload and click Open.
  9. Click Save & Close.