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Recurrence Pattern

Several recurrence pattern options are available.

  • Daily — Select if the event occurs for multiple consecutive days. In the field, enter the number of days the event repeats.

  • Weekly— Select if the event occurs once during a set period of weeks, and the event repeats on the same day of the week as the original event. For example, if you issue payroll checks every two weeks, you can create an event for the payroll on Friday and set it to repeat every two weeks.

  • Monthly — Select if you want the event to repeat on a monthly basis. Two options are available for setting the monthly occurrence:

    • Day <num> of every <num> month(s) — Select if the event occurs on the same date each month. For example, you create an event on June 20 and set it to repeat twice. The calendar displays the event on June 20, July 20, and August 20.
    • The <num><day> of every <num> month(s) — Select if the event occurs on the same day of the week each month. For example, your organization schedules a meeting for the second Tuesday of each month. You can set the event to repeat on the second Tuesday of each month for a set number of occurrences.
  • Yearly — Select if you want the event to repeat on a yearly basis. Two options are available for setting the yearly occurrence:

    • Every <month><num> — Select if the event occurs on the same date each year. For example, your church anniversary is September 7th. You can set the church anniversary event to repeat on September 7 for a set number of years.
    • The <num> <day> of <month> — Select if the event repeats once each year on the same day of the week during a specified month. For example, Thanksgiving occurs on the fourth Thursday in November each year. You can set the event to repeat once each year on the fourth Thursday of November for a set number of occurrences.