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Send Plain Paper Statements in Constant Contact

When processing your statements for email, the Constant Contact website opens in a new web browser.

In Constant Contact, you'll create an email, customize your email's appearance to link to your contributors' statements, and send your email.
  1. On the Constant Contact dashboard, click Create.
  2. Under Select a campaign to get started, click Email.
  3. Under Select a template, locate the contributions statement template/campaign from a previous year and click Test.
  4. When the preview of the template displays, click Copy campaign.
  5. For each text block, click the pencil icon to edit the text, and click the delete icon to remove blocks you don't need. For example, you can enter "Your statement is below.".
  6. The Insert Contact Details window displays. In the Select a detail drop-down list, select the custom field you chose in ACS.
  7. Edit, drag, copy, or delete the other text boxes in Constant Contact to modify your email's layout. You can also preview your email; however, the link to the contributions statements will not work in Preview mode.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Enter your email's Subject, From Name, From Email Address, and Reply To Email Address.
  10. Click Manage lists next to Send To Lists. Select Statements and verify the date and number uploaded. ACS automatically creates a list of your contacts' email addresses from the data in the E-mail Plain Paper Statement report, and the list is named Statements_(mm/dd/yyyy)(hh:mm:ss). For example, if you generated the E-mail Plain Paper Statement Report on 12/31/2023 at 1:49:19 PM, you would select the contact list named Statements(12/31/2023)_(1:49:19 PM).
  11. Click Schedule.
  12. Select Send Now to send your statements immediately, or select Schedule For Later and a Date and Time to send your statements.
  13. Clear the Google Analytics option, and click Schedule.
The statements are sent automatically.
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