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Generate Statements

Generating statements for e-mail is like processing paper statements, but with a few additional steps.

First, enter and post contributions, just as you would if printing paper statements. Then, you generate statements in ACS Contributions or Organizations Reports, using the E-mail Plain Paper Statement report.

This report lets you process contributions statements and e-mail the statements in PDF format to those contributors with the Statement option of E-mail or Both and a valid e-mail address on file.

On the Report Options tab, select the option for ACS to use when pulling e-mails:

  • Select E-mail Type — Select an e-mail type in the drop-down list. ACS pulls statements for all records with the selected e-mail type.

  • Preferred E-mail — Select to send statements to the contributor's preferred e-mail address. If the contributor does not have a preferred e-mail address, ACS sends the statement to the selected e-mail type. If you select Preferred E-mail but do not select an e-mail type, ACS sends the statement to the preferred e-mail. If no preferred e-mail exists, it is sent to the first e-mail address in the contributor's record.

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