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Paid Registration Events

You can create paid registration events.

You can create a paid event that display to everyone in your church. Users with permission can register individuals, or people can register themselves, family, and guests. You can allow registrants to pay online or to pay later at the door.

Once you create registration types for an event, you can assign costs to the event through the registration types. This allows you to create different pricing depending on the type of registrant attending, like children, adults, and seniors.

After you set up the event cost, you can also choose the types of payment sources you will accept for the event.

To accept online payments, you must enable a deposit account with Realm. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Settings > Additional Features. Beside Manage your Merchant Account, click View Deposit Accounts, and select your deposit account settings for Registration Events.

Registration Events drop-down list showing Events Deposit Account with last four digits of the account number