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Paid Events Accounting Information

Enter accounting information for paid events.

When someone creates a new paid event, entering accounting information for that event allows online payments to post automatically to the general ledger. This only applies to online payments and not to payments that admins manually enter, such as payments received at the door.

If Realm is integrated with the Realm Accounting package, accounting administrators can add this information to a paid event.

Without Integrated Realm Accounting

If Realm isn't integrated with Realm Accounting, you can still enter accounting information for the event. When you create a paid event, the Payment Settings tab includes an Accounting Settings section. Here, you can enter your checking and income information for payments associated with this event.

This information displays as part of the Event Payment Distribution report.

Without Accounting Administrator Permissions

If you are creating a paid event but don't have the appropriate permissions, Realm will notify an administrator to enter the appropriate accounting information for the event. If you know the account code or the department associated with payments for this event, you can enter this in the Accounting Settings section of the Payment Settings tab.

This information is included in the notification sent to the accounting administrator.

With Accounting Administrator Permissions

If you have both accounting administrator permissions as well as permissions to add and edit an event, you can directly enter checking and income account information when creating a paid event. Because you've already provided the appropriate information, Realm will not send accounting notifications for this event.