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Sacramental Record Field Information

These are some of the actions you can take on sacramental records in the registers.

Rebuild Names
Compare the sacramental register and the member record, and update the sacrament record with the member record information. This only applies to those with sacraments marked with a status and marked as Perf. Here in the Addl field on the member's sacrament tab. Note that this is different from Rebuild Sacramental Registers located on the Sacramental Register Options tab in the Sacrament Tab Names window.
CAUTION: We recommend only using Rebuild Names if you're just beginning to use the register and want to start over. If you refresh and click Yes to update names, any manual changes you made throughout the register will be overwritten with the names entered on the member sacrament.
Print Certificate Back
Information entered in the Notations text box displays in the Notations section of the certificate. If you select Mark as Invalid for Marriage, then the statement "Not Valid for Marriage" displays on the back page of the certificate.
Print Index
Print an index view (single-line entries) of the register for the current sacrament.
Print Register
Print a detailed report of the register for the current sacrament.

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