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Abundant Text Giving

Our eGiving solution, Abundant, allows parishioners and guests to give money to your parish through texting.

How does it work?

You will create a unique, dedicated keyword for your parish. Donors text this keyword and the dollar amount they'd like to give. Donors text this keyword and the dollar amount they'd like to give.

Text 73256 with your parish keyword and amount, for example "STMARY442 50"

They can use debit cards, credit cards, or ACH payments to complete their gift. It takes first-time donors about 2 minutes to set up their payment method, which is saved for future text gifts. Your parish name displays in the confirmation text, payment form, and on the donor's receipt.

The money is deposited in the connected bank account in 3 to 5 business days. Within PDS, text gifts are processed just like online contributions, and they display in your online import and reports.

What happens when someone texts a donation?

Donors text your parish keyword, along with the dollar amount, to 73256. The first time someone donates, they'll see a link to complete their gift.

Example showing the process of a text donation from the text message to the Abundant mobile website

How will my parish use it?

Once you set up text giving, let parishioners know about it in the Sunday bulletin, on social media, or on the screen before mass. You can also set up activities in PDS that donors can select from. For example, donors can give toward your building fund.

Who can give?

Anyone who has your parish keyword can donate money. They don't have to be members. If they can text, they can give!

Where can I find more info?

Check out the Abundant section in our PDS Video Library. We also provide sample materials and resources to help you promote and grow giving. For more on setting up Abundant in PDS, visit the related links.

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