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Opportunity Scans

Opportunity scans help you target mission opportunities.

You can create an opportunity scan based on predefined boundaries such as zip codes, cities, or counties, or based on a radius or polygon you draw. Many different demographic variables are available, and you can scan by percentages, indexes, or raw numbers.

For example, you can use opportunity scans to determine which areas within a ZIP code have the highest number of residents in poverty, which helps you find the most effective locations for your church's pop-up food giveaways. Or, if you want to start a Spanish language ministry, you can identify geographic areas with a high Hispanic population.

Once you select your boundaries and variables, a map displays and the Opportunity Scan Report opens in a new window. The table and map are interactive. You can place markers on the map, or click in the selected geography to zoom in. You can also view data and trends based on blockgroups, and you can sort the report by any of the table fields.

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