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Review the Opportunity Scan Report

After scanning for opportunities in a geographic area, your scan results display in a table ranked by the variables you selected.

If your agency has churches within the scan area, these display as well.
Note: Be certain your browser is set to allow pop ups. If pop ups are disabled, the Opportunity Scan Report does not display.

Scan Results Table with Church Presence Analysis

Number of churches within scan geographies
Displays the number of your agency's churches found in each geographical region.
Number of scan geographies with no churches
Displays the number of scan geographies without one of your agency's churches present.
Agency Average Population per Church
Displays the number of people per agency church. This is calculated by dividing the total current year estimated population by the number of your agency's churches in that geography. If your agency has no churches within this geography, the area's population displays.
Scan Area Average Population per Church
Displays the population of your scan area based on the number of agency churches within that area. If your agency has no churches within this scan area, zero displays.
Comparative Index
This column compares the actual population per church for each geography to the average population per church for all geographies in the report.
  • An index of 100 means the population per church for the geography is the same as the average.
  • An index above 100 means the population per church is less than the average, and therefore the church's presence is above average.
  • An index below 100 means the population per church is greater than the average, so the church's presence relative to the average is lower.

Download the scan results

To download your scan results as an Excel file, click Download scan results to Excel. By default, MissionInsite saves your report in your Downloads folder.
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