Scan for Opportunities Based on a Neighborhood Mission Area
After scanning for opportunities in a large geographic area, such as a city or state, you can analyze smaller areas with a neighborhood level scan.
Neighborhood scans target census blockgroups, and you can see each area's relationships to your existing ministries there. This helps you decide to make a commitment to furthering an existing ministry or starting a new one.
When selecting blockgroups, we recommend selecting the top 5-10 scan results areas from the table. If markers are clustered together, this suggests a potentially stronger target area.
For example, you scanned for opportunities using the state of South Carolina as your mission area and Hispanic/Latino as your target people group. Your opportunity scan results display the Hispanic/Latino population of each blockgroup, as well as any churches you have in that area. You can filter those scan results to find where a Spanish language ministry will be most effective.
- On the Opportunity Scan Report table, under Scan Results , click on a variable to sort the table.
- When the top scan results display, select the ID # beside them. As you select blockgroups, markers display on the map. To clear a target from the map, clear the ID # beside the blockgroup. To clear all targets, on the toolbar, click
- Draw a shape around markers that are clustered together. On the Toolbar, click
. You can also draw a shape by clicking Shapes on the Navigation Bar.
- Clear any additional shapes, including the one from your original opportunity scan, from your map.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Demographics.
- On the Control Panel, expand Maps App Opportunity Scan.
- Select the Year you want to generate results for and a color palette.
- Click Scan.
A new opportunity scan report displays the target area scan results based on your selected blockgroups. You can review these results and run predefined or customCustom Reports reports on individual or clusters of blockgroups.