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Following Up with Event Attendees

Communicate with Event Attendees

To gather Event Participants you want to send a communication to, you can start from either the Event record or the Event Participants List.

From the Event record:
  1. Go to Events, and open the record.
  2. On the Participants tab, select the Participants you want to send the communication to.
  3. Click the two arrows, one stacked on top of each other, with the top arrow pointing right and the bottom arrow pointing left button to transfer the selection.
  4. Select the Participants page.
  5. Use the tool or report you want to communicate.
From the Event Participants List:
  1. Go to People Lists > Event Participants.
  2. Search for and select the Participants.
  3. Use any tool or report to facilitate communication.

Update Attendance

Manually update attendance for Event attendees.

  1. Go to People List > Event Participants.
  2. Search for and select the Participants.
  3. Click Actions.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. Make your selections, then click Assign.
  6. Click OK to confirm these changes.

Assign Milestones to Event Attendees

Sometimes you may need to mass assign a milestone to those who attend a big event, like an outdoor baptism.
  1. Go to the Events page and open the Event.
  2. On the Participants tab, select the Participants.
  3. Click the two arrows, one on top of the other, with the top arrow pointing to the right and the bottom arrow pointing to the left button.
  4. Name your selection, select the Participants page, click Transfer, then click OK.
  5. In the Advanced menu, go to the Milestones page and open the Milestone.
  6. Go to the Participants tab.
  7. Click the Actions button, and click Add Participants.
  8. Click the magnifying glass.
  9. In the Selections drop-down list, click the selection you saved earlier.
  10. Click Confirm Selection.
  11. Complete the milestone fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  12. When finished, click Add.
The Participants you assigned the milestone to display in the milestone's Participant tab.
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