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Application Labels

An overview on application labels in MinistryPlatform, including application label fields and their definitions, and how to edit application labels for English and foreign languages.

The Application Label page identifies Field Labels with various translations across API clients and applications like the Platform, Check-In Suite, Widgets, and so on. We provide all application labels by translation for supported options. Current available languages are English (default), Mandarin (Simple Chinese), Portuguese, and Spanish.

CAUTION: Be careful when working with the Application Labels as translations may be reworded. If you change the default verbiage used, you are responsible for providing the translations.

Application Label Fields

API Client
This is the application to apply the respective set of translations to.
Label Name
The code directing the application to a specific field label in the respective application.
Warning: Do not edit this!
The English translation for the application label.
The Spanish translation for the application label.
The Mandarin translation for the application label.
The Portuguese translation for the application label.
Note: If you leave any application label translation blank, the system uses English, if available, when you select that translation. If English is not available, it displays blank.

Edit Application Labels

Tip: We highly recommend using a knowledgeable and trustworthy translator or translation service to ensure you use the correct verbiage in the correct context. For example, if you want to change the "campus" drop-down label to say "site", you wouldn't want to mistake "site" for "website" during the translation process.
  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Application Labels.
  2. Search for the label you want to modify.
    Tip: Use the column search to narrow results by the specific application and/or a partial field name (for example, "*success").
  3. Open the label record, and click Edit Record.
  4. Make your changes. Be sure to change the verbiage for each supported language.
    The application label page for API Client TM.Widgets, with the English translation as "site" and the other corresponding translations for Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese.
  5. Click Save.
It takes about 15 minutes for your Application Label changes to take place. If you want to see changes immediately, either refresh your cache or use your browser's Incognito mode. After your changes take place, if someone selects a different language, the translation displays.

Edit Application Labels for Another Language

We only support the four languages that come loaded in your system. However, you can edit a language you don't use to translate for a different language. For example, if no one in your congregation or parish speaks Portuguese but there are families who speak Vietnamese, you might decide to overwrite the Portuguese translations with Vietnamese wording.

CAUTION: You are responsible for providing translations for languages that we don't currently support.

First, update your language label so that people understand which translation they select. So, in our example, people would see the Vietnamese label instead of Portuguese. Then, you can update the existing translations from the one language to the other.

Tip: We highly recommend using a knowledgeable and trustworthy translator or translation service to ensure you use the correct verbiage in the correct context.
Update your language label:
  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Application Labels.
  2. Find the label for the language you want to overwrite.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Change all translations to the language of your choice.
    Change all instances of Portugués to Tiếng Việt
  5. Click Save.
Add your translations:
  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Application Labels.
  2. Search for the label you want to modify.
  3. Open the label record, and click Edit Record.
  4. Make the changes for the language you added.
  5. Click Save.

It takes about 15 minutes for Application Label changes to be applied. If you want to see changes immediately, either refresh your cache or use your browser's Incognito mode.

Note: We will not overwrite your changes when we release translation updates.
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